

reading is rest

I go through seasons when it is really hard for me to sit in stillness and read. Not just because I have four kids and stillness is in short supply around here (it is) - but even after all the small humans have been tucked into bed and kissed on the head, I tend to scroll mindlessly through Instagram or Facebook rather than nestle into the corner of my overstuffed couch with a book.

Even if we don't think of social media as particularly relaxing, it's what many of us choose to engage in during our still moments; perhaps this is *because* we think of it as mindless. I once read an article that explained that even though reading a book (as opposed to skimming an online article) takes more sustained attention, a study showed that the brain is much calmer after 15 minutes of novel-reading, versus 15 minutes on social media. Reading actually provides our brains REAL rest, while mindless scrolling through social media provides a false sense of relaxation, though parts of our brain are in overdrive!

I have been trying to sit down for a few minutes every day to read. I love audiobooks and know they are just as valuable to my reading life as a physical book (and I have Words about how discriminating against audiobooks is elitist and actually ableist), but it's what I choose to do during my still moments that is in question here: will I waste precious energy on my phone, or will I pick up a book, knowing that the book is actually doing my mind some good?

Treat yoself by sitting down with a book today. Offer your mind a chance to rest and be still. 

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