

on a leaf hunt 2013

For our second fall here in Washington, we are following tradition with our second annual Canales Leaf Hunt, filling buckets with leaves which will then be pressed poetically in books and unceremoniously hot glued onto a wreath. Austen was able to join us this year, as she can walk steadily and sort of follow basic instructions like, hey Austen pick up that red leaf and put it in your bucket.

Despite what might seem like peaceful, quiet pictures of us happily picking leaves, River was a little sour puss turd and kept disobeying/running up ahead/not listening/almost getting hit by cars. But, it was fun nonetheless, and we came home with nippy fingers and noses and the kids gobbled down squash soup, which made me feel like an A+ mama, and then they each took a rest which means I was able to refill my sanity tank for the day, because as every mother knows, you wake each morning with only so much sanity available.

I forgot to press the leaves, and they have already faded into a nice crispy brown that would look pretty pathetic on a wreath, so I guess we'll be going on a second Canales Leaf Hunt, hopefully with better 'tudes this time.


  1. "...and we came home with nippy fingers and noses and the kids gobbled down squash soup..." Just sounds like something you'd read out of a children's storybook. :)

    I always love reading your blog posts. If only I could remember to check more often! <3

  2. PS. Gorgeous pictures, as always.



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